
David Kreytenberg about spicy

Wild im West describes itself as a cultural travelling oasis in the middle of Vienna –  including fleamarkets, performances, DJ lines, concerts, theater, comedy, movies & workshops and more. 

What's the story behind Wild im West? How was the idea of setting up a place like this born?

We are intermediate users, so the projects usually arise with the offer. In this case it was the former Sophienspital that we were allowed to use. The former park of an old hospital, with lots of trees. So it was obvious to create a kind of garden, an oasis, which then grew into the other locations Mariahilferstrasse and Marx.

Variety is often referred to as the 'spice of life'. How do you ensure variety in the ideas and culture represented at Wild im West?  

For me, the versatility and variety comes from the spices you allow. many projects follow a more conceptual line. one speaks of curation or direction. I think we let ourselves go with the flow and decide based on our gut. The key is communication with a wide range of cultural workers. We give many people the opportunity to try things out and are not afraid of making mistakes. This often creates completely new perspectives and concepts.

In what ways do you think engaging the senses, much like the sensation of spice, enhances the cultural experiences you provide at your events? What is the wildest, hottest and spiciest of Wild im West?

The wildest thing in the Wild in the West is certainly the uncertainty of how long we can stay in one place and what is ultimately possible there. it's always a trial and error game. sometimes we don't realize what's possible until much, much later. and that can never be planned. This is definitely a factor in our taste. In the end I think we taste honest and that's what people often miss in other projects. We can't bend over backwards for any program ideas because only harmonious concepts work for us. if the guests don't come, the idea was too spicey. We are simply very sensitive.

What kind of impact do you want to see with hosting a cultural oasis like Wild im West?

I want to, pardon the expression, pull the stick out of people's asses. For me, subculture is a significant factor for urban coexistence. Especially in a very conceptual Vienna, with funding, cultural budgets and institutions, we perhaps need to learn more about the cultural creation process again. I'm always disappointed by the expression "wow, you're so Berlin". Berliners are not the inventors of subculture. What made Berlin special was the great freedom to try out not being 100% slick, but street and urban. So what I want is even more options, concepts and people who want to create.

Personally, what are the 'spices' you add to your own creative or work process to keep it exciting and fresh?

Courage, spontaneity and above all a playful approach. Anyone who doesn't play is intellectual, a child would never play with an intellectual person. an indication that it is inharmonious in my opinion. Only those who play have the ability to deal with challenges that come to them unprepared in a relaxed and sensitive manner. and there are many of them for temporary use.